>>5813951Well, crud. I posted this too early. I meant to put it up after I slept, but oh well, not worth the effort to delete it and repost it later. I will return after I wake up, trust me.
While I'm still here though, here are the exact specifications for each of the three classes.
Hunter [6HP. Sword, Wired Lances, Partisan, 3d6 attacking, 2d6 defending]
Main Skills
-Hunter Arts Avenger: Declare a number between 1-6 before rolling. If any of the user’s dice rolled include this number, the roll is considered a partial success. If already a partial success, upgrade to regular success. Cannot upgrade a success into a crit by the effects of Avenger. Cooldown of 1 roll is only incurred when failing to hit the declared number.
-Auto Avenger: Passive. Failed user rolls count as partial successes anyways. Cannot recur for 5 rolls afterwards.
Sub Skills
-Iron Will: Passive. Unconditionally survive a fatal hit once per encounter.
-War Cry: When activated, failed rolls redirect their damage to the user in place of their allies. Cooldown 2 posts.
Ranger [4HP Rifle, Launcher, 2d6 attacking, 3d6 defending]
Main Skills
-Blight Rounds: When applied, +1 to the number of dice when attacking. Lasts for 3 posts. Only one blight can be active per Ranger.
-Blight Reinforce: 6 successful rolls on a target afflicted with Blight Rounds will enhance the effects. +2 to the number of dice rolled instead of +1, and add a +1 to rolls. Extends Blight duration by 1 post. Must be regained when Blight wears off. Reinforce is counted individually between targets.
Sub Skills
-Condition Ward: Passive. +1 to defensive rolls. Debuff immune.
-Ranger Attack Reinforce: Passive. +1 dice to offensive rolls after attacking twice with Ranger class weapons. Lost when attacking using other weapons.
Force [3HP Rod, Talisman, 3d6 Both]
Main skills
-Elemental Down: Successful critical hits by the user are counted up as a resource. 3 critical hits allow for the downshifting of a single roll’s difficulty for everyone, 5 of them allow for the enemy’s action to be completely negated.
-Photon Flare: Downshift critical hit thresholds by one for the user only. As regular crits require 3+ hits, this in effect makes successes in regular rolls, crits. Lasts for 2 rolls. 4 post cooldown after use.
-RestaField: Passive. Healing done by the user heals everyone within the same range.
Sub Skills
-PP Conversion: +1 to user rolls but -2 to number of dice rolled. Penalty can be stacked or spread across other members including self. Penalty can be applied onto members that aren’t rolling.
-PP Alternative: +1 to user rolls for 2 rolls at the cost of 1HP from self. Cannot be used to reach 0HP. Does not stack with PP conversion.