Welcome to Hex Maniac Quest.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=hex%20maniac%20prisonYou are Gurie Niamic, a cool beauty put in jail for crimes you did not commit over drama you do not deserve. You are holding onto that story despite the fact you almost tore a hole in reality twice in one day. Because surely the police would've brought it up in court if they knew all the other times this happened.
Fortunately for you, some idiot minister somewhere decided that Prisons were too much for their criminals, and now you are in Rose's Academy for the Apologetic, which is a school prison. This isn't to be mistaken for a Prison School, as there are no boobs. It's really weird and when you asked the principal why she said you had a active imagination. Also this is Orre and there are shadow pokemon still because of a sinister company... and you might be haunted?
To honor your dear father Roger "Rude" Niamic, you have formed a gang based on your dad's gang, Team Lazy (2)! As per your Criminal Constitution you have vowed to only use your potent ghost powers to avoid work, and never do anything you absolutely don't have to, and eat as many snacks as you can. You will work as hard as you can to be hardly working, that's on the motto, your dad made t-shirts one time.
You also have pokemon! This is a pokemon game. These include:
>Gremlin the Impidimp: A SHADOW POKEMON who seems to have no personallity, what little we see of it seems to be... pretty mean! Hes VERY loyal to Gurie, and almost ready to be purified! If only a purification machine or divine rock existed in prison>Sandman the Sandygast: A self professed crime lord who swore featly to Gurie after she overpowered him in a astral battle somehow. Sandman seems really powerful! His Scorching Sands hit like a truck and because of their unique relationship Gurie can take his shovel and wade into battle herself! Just like that ninja.>Jabberwocky the Trapinch: The only henchman Sandman had, hes spunky and unknown. Want's to be a dragon.Friends:
>Carrie: A one armed upperclassman who admires your father. Has a lot of flying types, all of them are cute.. Seems to act tougher then she might be? You've never seen her fight. Likes movies.>Tom: Tom isn't their real name. A perverted nerd who killed a man. Tom seems to be the smart one, probbably by process of elimination instead of actual skill. Got kidnapped by a crossdressing pervert.>Sir Planchett: A crazy lady who isn't aware she's on your team. She thinks she's a knight who was appointed by Zacian to PERSONALLY save the world.>Nimrah Diggory: Known as the nurse, warden nad biology teachy here with the alias Proffessor Noah. Secretly he's your adoptive uncle and works for your dad as one of his elite Number Ones, secretly secretly he's a ultra beast here with a bone to pick with the Aether Foundation. You arent actually sure why hes in the school.