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There's nothing in his stand except more boxes of trash, a Violent Seed, a Joy Seed and a friendly ditto. Lame.
The Games Venue appears to be where the tournament is being held.
A table wide enough to seat 4 players is set up on a small dry patch of land in the middle of a shallow stream. There’s a hole in the middle, presumably for the dealer to stand in. A pristine unopened pack of Go Goldeen cards sits on top. Looking at them, it’s suddenly impressed upon you real-worlders that Go Goldeen is just 4 player Go Fish with a more obnoxious name. Hoopa is here, looking a lot more sociable than he was earlier. He’s counting sacks of money before throwing them into a giant bubble of water, absolutely gleaming with an endless amount of coins suspended inside. He gives you a shit-eating grin powerful enough you kind of want to tune him out immediately.
“So, are you boys looking to play? We’ve got exactly one last slot open for the Go Goldeen Event! Gehahahahahahaaaah!”