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At least because, you can only be once place at a time, and these invaders have carved a decent swathe of the land to themselves. Some disciples or servants would help, but currently you're on your own.
Lastly of course, a minor concern you come to realize but perhaps more impactful than most, is that you do not know the language of this region. Although the faithful to you can communicate in the language of the sea, everyone else you'll have to spend a similar amount of time learning to speak to them, as you spent learning to speak to Faysal or Emil's peoples. Though as you know, given enough time and listening the waters of this region you can pick up the language from those lost to the sea.
Just things to keep note of, but for now you feel you've observed enough in about a week, to finally make a move and enter into these peoples' world. Just a matter of how you want to do it... and also, in what way do you want to present yourself to these people? How do you want them thinking of you?
>Directly reveal yourself to some of the locals, one of the free and defiant settlements on the coast.
>Subtly interact with the faithful overtime, answer to their rituals and prayers. Let the people know of you before you actually stand in front of them.
>These invaders, maybe you could try interacting with them instead? They certainly have more to show for than the locals, and juicier targets at that.
>Rage and violence! Pick a settlement and start a siege, wipe out any ships that dare to approach! Let news of you spread through the fear of your enemies!