>>6190760But as they fight, you know you have to do something. So, as they trade blows at blinding speeds, you leap away to Chaya's right, landing and planting your feet as you draw your arms to your sides. Focusing your power on another of your late master's more unique powers, changing your ki to electricity as you gather it into both palms. Chaya, seeing what you're doing turns up the pressure, forcing Zamasu to retreat. Turning him, putting his back to you as you prepare your technique. And, after a few seconds of preparation, it's ready. You throwing both hands forward, unleashing the technique.
“THUNDER SHOCK SURPRISE!” you roar, firing a condensed beam of electricity at Zamasu's back. Chaya, deflecting a final blow then leaps back, Zamasu turning back only for your attack to land true. Overloading the godling's body with electricity, causing muscles to spasm as the god screams in pain.
“KYAAAAAAAAAAAH! GYAAAAAAAGH!!” Zamasu screams, you pouring more and more power out by the second. You feel your energy levels dropping by the second, you can't keep this up for long. But hopefully long enough, as you see Chaya struggling to catch her breath.
“I can't hold this much longer!” you shout to Chaya, who nods. Deactivating her weapon, powering back down to her base form as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Sighing out, then raising both her hands, she opens her eyes only to reveal they've changed. Glowing with red and yellow, her eyes looking like the pits of hell as she then fires her own electricity once more. You end your attack, collapsing to a knee as her electricity envelops the godling. With a hate-filled snarl on her face, Chaya pours more and more electricity into the green-skinned monster for several seconds, until suddenly she stops as well. Your eyes widen in shock, but before you can ask why suddenly a massive beam of energy drops straight down out of the heavens, flattening Zamasu and pinning the godling beneath it.
“Let's go!” another voice calls, you turning your head up towards it. Only to see Chaya's blue-haired mother holding a hand out towards the beam, looking down to you two. “Everyone's evacuated, time to go!”
“Right!” Chaya shouts, rushing over to you and holding a hand down to you. “C'mon, can you move?”
“For you? Of course.” you reply with a small smile, reaching up and taking her hand. Letting her pull you to your feet, the three of you flying away from the pillar-like beam of energy. And as you and Chaya follow her mother, you suddenly see where Chaya gets it. Seems you and this Karn fellow have more in common than you'd thought.
-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 223 Epilogue II End-