>>5825617>>5825621>>5825666>Rolled 24, 35, 99, 40, 47, 77>99 roll, aaarrghhhhQM: ok I have just realised, I have messed up this table lol. A white dwarf has no Morgan-Keenan MK type spectral and luminosity classification, like the G2V of Sol our sun in the main sequence; a white dwarf would just be denoted wd, D or VII. I unfortunately read all my astrophysics from wikipedia lol, someone who knows actual physics should probably correct me argh
But the good news for you is somehow, amazingly, you have rolled the two best options lol.
This roll is so ridiculous you broke my flawed Hertzsprung-Russell Star table. I thought I was being really clever vaguely adapting the star distributions matching them to real life, making them relatively rare lol. Anyway, you can either pick:
>K star (the 24, 35... 40,47, 77 roll) we will just call this V main sequence as this will be a habitable planet with the parameters you describe; mountainous xeric biome, trade or administrative bureaucratic type ecumenopolis, and approximately our age (atomic etc, internet, space shuttle / rocket) type civilisation. If you choose this, I will make a roll afterwards to determine if they are friendly / neutral hostile. With current Archonal Grid Systems level of spacefaring / arcology megastructure technology, they will assume you are alien gods lol. You can also name the planet!>white dwarf - absent the science ship, I think you can sell the data of this for 2d100 ISD space money. Alternatively, you could choose a KNOWLEDGE asset (some relic technology) If you can think of an appropriate unlisted one from 4X strategy games etc I am open to accommodating it(Pic related) Here is a picture I found of the tech web from Sid Meier Beyond Earth (I have not played this videogame) you may have to zoom in lol, but you could choose or adapt something along these lines.
So I will let you ponder this whilst I desperately try and find planet pictures hehe
>Choose and name your new planet in the K star system, or:>gain 2d100 ISD>pick or invent some KNOWLEDGE assetAn example of a K star in Gemini with a planet would be Pollux b, Thestias
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollux_b(please someone who knows astronomy correct me if I am wrong arghh)