>peace officers & nightwatchFirstly, their names. “Peace officer” was a term referring to police officers from the 19th to the later half of the 20th century. It’s not entirely “accurate” to the time period this quest is set in, but concessions were made. Same goes for “retard” (the word did exist, but it meant to slow something down, rather than intellectually disabled) and the inclusion of coffee/teahouses.
Nightwatch and the appearance of peace officers (halberd, cuirass, helmet) are derived from 16-17th century German cities. Nightwatch is literally translated from Scharwächter - they patrol the city at night to enforce curfew, prevent crime, calling out time, and spotting fires — one document specifically says they should look out for and stop looters after a fire.
Many positions within the nightwatch were compulsory for citizens, and they are obligated to own and maintain weapons and armor for this purpose. Hans Jacob Meyer got jailed for two nights because he couldn’t produce his armor when summoned during a fire. Aeg misplacing his cuirass is a reference to this incident. This article details a couple of the Meyer family’s run-in with the law:
https://evergreenfencing.substack.com/p/the-legal-troubles-of-joachim-meyersFights between students and nightwatch happen frequently; here’s a quote from Jakob Sutor, a 17th c fencing instructor of the freifechter guild, on what to do when that happens.
“Should you see that someone with a flail comes to you at night, and wants to swing at you, as is the case from time to time at the universities, when one is coming from the table and is attacked by the watchman, someone having previously often done something to the watchman—then the newcomer must pay for what another has wrought; whip, then, your cloak over your left arm, and walk under his flail with full force, so that he who so swings, overswings inwards. If, however, you are a strong one, then tear his flail out of his hand, for the protection of your body and life..”
(From the rapier section of his treatise)
Accounts such as a student killing a nightwatch and fleeing the city can be found in this article:
https://evergreenfencing.substack.com/p/wygand-bracks-night-watch-careerAeg’s burn wounds are a reference to the ‘fire patrol’ part of his job while his complaints of getting things thrown at him is a reference to this aspect.