>>5452187Poking around the rest of the floor, you don't find too much of interest. The kitchen, connected to the living room through an open floor plan contains all the amenities you'd want from it. A wide array of drawers and such, an oven, a microwave, and a fridge. The dining room can be walked into directly from the kitchen, and looks similar to most you've seen- a fancy looking table with some chairs that no one actually uses. There's also the pantry, which has food crates and shelving, but almost no food left behind for obvious reasons, besides a few spices. Finally, there's the bathroom and a spare room. The bathroom is a bit smaller than the one on the second floor, with only a small shower area, while the spare room is, well, spare. Nothing to note there.
After checking to make sure you have the keys to everything before relocking it (you find out the window keys all share similar designs- one for the window lock, one for the windowsill lock) you descend to the basement. The flooring is rather bare here, simply being concrete. You'd heard that there used to be carpet down here but that it was removed because the old man didn't feel like getting it cleaned after a bit of flooding.
Directly across from the stairs is a room with a washer and dryer, as well as several clothes hampers. Next door to that, a room with a deep freezer and a sump pump to help prevent flooding. At the end of the hall, a storage room with what you can only describe as walls of random shit, sorted into multicolored bins and boxes of all sorts. You poke through it all for a bit but call it quits after a little bit, only finding a few power tools for your trouble, which you set aside from the rest of the assorted crap.
Besides a large, empty concrete room with a single tiny window to the ground (which this time is not only locked, but also barred), there is nothing else in the basement. You call your search to an end and return to the second floor, where you briefly stop in at the last room on the floor. A quick examination reveals it to be your uncle's office, which contains a very long, very nice desk laden with papers and reading materials. An assortment of lovely pens sit in a mug on the desk, and a cushy-looking chair sits behind it. Several bookshelves sit against the opposite wall, but all of them are locked with eight-number combination locks, such that you can't even see what books are on them. The window this time has a blackout curtain, presumably to keep sunlight from affecting any books, which you can't help but consider taking to your room. Behind it is an even more impressive window than before, this time with three locks and a screen. Amazing. If that's an indication of anything, you guess your uncle spent the most of his time in here.