>>6019958Biting his tongue and deciding not to say that thought out loud Willam even if he is in the grace period as he wants to keep the conversation civil and avoid a memory alteration spell. Glancing downward as Willaim spots Holly's hand shaking off a spell that was being prepared for a casting. Ignoring the potential trap William goes back to the plan feeling much more confident as if he could make an Arbiter bleed then anything lower doesn’t deserve his fear.
“So Holly, is your shop a bit away or nearby?”
“Uh, you know ords usually scream, have a panic attack, or freeze up when seeing a mage.”
“Hmm, I guess they have not ever met a friendly mage that is willing to help out others.” Adds William hoping Holly takes the compliment to avoid questioning him.
“Yes! If only there were more people who were like you to take a helping hand then the world would be a better place.”
“I am one of a kind so I doubt we would find someone similar to me.”
“It can happen you never know who you might run into.”
“That is true, one minute could change a lot of things.”
“Plus that was how we met by a chance encounter in the middle of school.”
“Fate is flexible or is it the gods that move things around?”
“Ugh we don’t need to go into god talk I already deal with those zealot speeches enough from Revelations.”
“Okay I will drop that topic. Holly, can you please push me so we can get to the ice cream shop faster? Don’t want to be jumped by another Animus mook again.” Adds William using Betty’s Sunday training and the Animus mook attack to weave the truth together.
“You got jumped? Also sure, sure, anything to help my acquaintance.” Hums Holly as she grabs William as he hears a Teleport spell being cast as his vision blurs and vertigo overtakes him.
Popping back out on a sidewalk right next to the shop as William takes a moment to begin emptying his stomach only to feel a tap on his shoulder as a Lesser Restoration spell is casted. Letting William keep his breakfast and his sense of balance as he looks up from the ground to see a normal looking corner restaurant serving pastries, food items, and an ice cream menu, a much more stocked up shop than William expected. Cloudspells keep the shop in the shade to avoid the noon’s heat from cooking the sidewalk giving as air of night time festive spirit as windows give off a warm golden glow as umbrellas appear to throw out dancing lights along the ground. Animus agents, male staff, women, and a child are enjoying their meal looking like a picture of beauty and art.
<span class="mu-r"> Something is wrong here.
>Roll 1d100 insight check DC 40-80-120</span>