>>5758989“Bloodrise is a kingdom founded on faith,” you begin, after a brief pause to contemplate. “It is the REVIAL of faith, in fact. We of the Master Race know that we practice the True Faith, yes?”
The Reptilians in the room ululate in fervent agreement. You cringe a little, knowing what comes next, but wait for them to finish.
“We do not.”
Silence follows, impatient and anxious. You do not rush to fill it, though, allowing them to digest it, their objections and fears fomenting… So you can strike at them, and shatter them, with facts and with logic.
“I am a Dragon King,” you begin. “In my blood flows the blood of the red Dragon King. His SOUL burns in my breast. His COUNCIL comes when I call.”
None can object to this, and none do, though those of yorur ace—and the kobolds—struggle visibly to comprehend what you are telling them, and why.
“The faith we practice is NOT the True Faith,” you say. “It is NOT the faith of ancient days, of the last Great Age of Dragons, the Old Age of Darkness. This has been TOLD to me.”
“Dragonborn… Copper Dragon King…” the Translator begins at the hissed, frantic urgings of his caste’s contingent here. “The ancient tomes and oral traditions all concur—”
“Are they more reliable than the very words of the king whom your ancestors SERVED?” you ask “A DEMIGOD? A child of the DARK GODS THEMSELVES, who rule this place for A THOUSAND YEARS?”
The Serpent Priests fall into uneasy silence, as do many others. Those foreign to your culture seem confused (or, in the Bugbear Boss’ case actively disinterested). The Bloodrise Kobolds, though, are excited—and the Bastard, their Regent, seems infected by the mood. You seize the moment, to turn the tide of opinion.
“The so-called LAWGIVER perverted this,” you say in dark tones. “A god of stagnancy, a deity of banal nepotism and antiquated ideas, who would have kept us squashed flat in dark tunnels, seething with impotent rage and coping with eternal inadequacy, as he ad already for AEONS. A god who, while all the OTHER Dark Gods embraced us, turned his back on us—sought to crush and enslave us, even as we advanced the cause of the Reptilian Race and of all other servants of Darkness! THAT is the Persecutor—not a Persecutor of the Weak, but a weakling HIMSELF! A Persecutor of Strength!”
There are murmurs of disturbance, and hisses of rage and confusion, but all fall silent as your gaze turns upon them.
>Natural 20 earlier: everyone fears and respects you too much to challenge you directly in this forum