Quoted By:
+So, let us see here.+ The AI said as he stood still for a few moments, +It seems that I have been locked out of majority systems. That would be your doing.+
The AI had caused the Servitor to raise its mechanical arm towards TalOS in a telling gesture. It was odd seeing a Servitor do such an action with such fluidity but TalOS did not worry much about that. What was more worrying was the fact that an AI was in the same room as him.
But he had promised the Emperor to not kill it. So with that in mind TalOS decided to speak. Seeing as the AI was a dataform it would not be best to speak to him in the language of Machines lest it exposes TalOS to some unseen terror that the Mechanical being is a master in.
“I am TalOS DAV1S, Fabricator General of Lucius and Reigning Sovereign over the Lucian Federation.” TalOS said as he presented to the Machine his credentials, “We are the successors to the Terran Federation.”
The more the AI had control over the Servitor the closer to human it seemed to be. The Servitor was in some very human style studying TalOS with standard observational practice. Unlike many humans TalOS could not <span class="mu-i">read</span> the AI like he did humans. It did not have a soul that was easily connected to the Material Universe for him to harvest and consume.
Instead TalOS felt from the Machine an extremely faint line of power. Here TalOS could have a taste of this thing, but he has yet to correlate taste to the kind of emotions that were being experienced.
“Internal systems are not correlating temporal information correctly.” The AI mentioned as he gave a series of buzzes and clicks from the box that it was contained within, “It seems that I do not know the current date. President DAV1S, would you care to feed me the current date?”
“920 M30.” TalOS responded suspecting what was about to happen next.
The AI fell silent as he heard those words. The Servitor that he had taken over did not move even as TalOS began making a small distance between himself and the Black Box with contained the intelligence.
“It seems I have lost a lot of time.” The AI responded with what TalOS understood to be something like grief.