Quoted By:
It is time for the hosts of chaos, the slaves of darkness, the servants of the four to march southwards, lead by their great champions and warriors, in a, for once, not a conquest, but a defense of a site many hold sacred, for the sake of imprisoning a creature they had, until last year, sought to free. Shamans rave in half lunacy, warriors bravely march and ride into battle and great songs are sung as powerful drums are beat and mighty horns blown. It seems it is time for a great clash of warriors against a mighty foe which will draw many great warriors into a great slaughter.
Mighty and countless columns of warriors will draw for many miles as they head off south and west.
I am introducing a new rule, your character is now required to be assigned to a unit, giving said unit +1D and +1 attack. If said unit is killed, you will be given a diceroll, depending on the situation, to save yourself through a short and narrative fight. If you die, your forces might scatter or might be given a opportunity to be rallied by other players, depending on the distance. In case other bonuses are already applied to units, these ones stack.
Once you die, it's ogre.