>>5822416Calling upon your experience as a space adventurer, you remember an EXPEDITIONARY RECONAISSANCE FORCE squad commander named Lars Lothbrok. He is a giant of a man, though he possesses a disproportionately small yet very handsome head and chiselled features. When you contact him, Lars laughs heartily and proclaims
- Ah, so gut too see you again, mine vriend! Ah so gut you contact the Lars, ja? Not contact the Raufoss, or the Chernaya, or the others, I think they is being dead, ja? So ja, we, we is speaking of the Lars, the Lars we know of this, how do you say, this skeppsraet, you is needing of the Lars, we is finding this skeppsraet, the Lars we (he makes a chopping motion with a massive hand) (makes onomatopoeic swishing slicing noises, followed by a series of popping percussive mouth bursts, as if in imitation of a laser fusillade) ...everyone, ja. The Lars is already doing this, it already is done!