>>5952453>[Game of distortion]Close your eyes, imagine a forest with tall over arching trees. Their crowns intersecting as if they were holding hands. Here and there a stray ray of sunlight pierces the canopy, revealing the net of lianae hanging from the trunks. Further down on the forest floor. various ferns and cycadaceae hog the few places that the sunlight reaches. Everywhere else various fungi make their home in the wet and malleable soil the perfect place for them in the dim and foggy atmosphere of the forest.
As night falls colonies of fluorescent fungi make their presence known on the lower layers light purples, pale greens and countless other shades of vibrant colors creating curious shapes and spectacles in the cool evening fog.
TLDR: Its the dark forest from minecraft but with a slight damp neon rave vibe at night.
I dont know if we should leave her alone for this. If this works out it might be a pain to find her again. Then again last time he was exposed to the weirdness Anon became a twink.
We have to whisper the instructions in her ear while and maybe hold hands so she doesnt freak out more than needed. Maybe if someone is there to calm them down the outcome will be less horrific.
>Stay yourself, put on the power armor and endure it.