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This is all perfectly straightforward, Agents. Client's hired us as a roaming protective detail while he gets some work done and finishes up a big push on a code commit. That's why we set up this safehouse; it's nicely remote and isolated and should give the Client plenty of focus to get their work done.
Piece of cake! Just walk the perimeter, check the cams, be polite and professional, and if the Client has any requests, you just carry those out.
Yeah, I know, I know, it's not the most exciting operation and all, but we have to take what we can get, y'know? And he pays pretty well and he did spring for catering, which Johnson in Accounting says knocks like, 8.5% off of our operations budget. And he has that wide-screen in the lounge area, so maybe you can catch a movie or something to pass the time?
For now, just get settled in. Anyone have anything to report?
Limit 12
Alacrity 9 Respond 1 Speed 1
Attune 2 I Sense 2 I Support 2 I Process 2
Manipulate 2 I Proficiency 2 I React 2 I Resist 2
!Close Quarters 2
!Ballistics 2
!First Aid 2
!Mesh Ops 1
!Persuasion 1
B: Agent Suit (Spiffy!)
H: Techset Headwear
Inv: C7 Service Pistol I 3xReloads [18x3] I Service Knife I Aid Kit I Sandwich