>>5999058>>5999059>>5999061>>5999062>>5999075You decide to go see Ralph. It takes you an hour to get to his apartment, but you make it.
You met Ralph while working as a cashier at a fast-food restaurant. He'd always come in and order the same thing and kept trying to make conversation with you. Eventually, he asked for your number. You thought he was trying to like, creep on you or something, but because you have zero social skills or ability to stand up for yourself you just... gave it to him. He called you that night and proceeded to talk about the newest episode of Crime Committing Show for 8 hours and then fall asleep. Ever since then, you've been friends or at least something of the sort.
Ralph is a bit of a druggie. That's not even an insult, that's what he calls himself. Despite the fact that he really likes drugs, he also strongly recommends no one do them. Ironically, Ralph works as the chair at an AA place, despite being a raging alcoholic himself. I suppose he just doesn't want people to end up the way he is, despite the fact he always seems pretty fucking content with his situation.
It's sort of embarrassing to tell people he's your only friend, as he could probably pass as your dad or something. You're 22, and he's 49.
As you enter the room, Ralph greets you.
"Yoooo! What is up, my brother!" he says, as that's how he usually greets you, "Feelin' good, because might I say, I am feelin' FIIIIIIIIIINNNNEEEEEEEEEEE..."
You're starting to regret coming here.
DAY TIMER: 21:39:00