Ok, new IP, interface online, inputting actions now.
>>5829895I remembered I had commented a lot on the ninja lore but didn't actually outline the principles of colonization. I think some regular stuff like fair working conditions, equality before law and equal opportunities for professional growth should be there, though I suppose on initial stages it may be required that colonists fill whatever roles are needed. And generally it depends on if the colony is a mining outpost or a full-fledged city-ship. Healthcare should also be decent and accessible to everyone. idk what else.
>>5830156Based roleplaying self-saboteur. I aspire to be like you and reject advantages in favour of genuineness. Not to mention it lead to conspiracy reveal
>>5831294 >>5831300.
>>5830177>You must name the HORRIFYING ANIME to restore Magenta's memoryWith the help of the psionic anime-finding consciousness-engine I identify the anime as Elfen Lied. (thank you, SauceNAO)
Also lmao at what you watch, of course you'll be horrified if you watch horror, Souv, srsly.