>>5283025<span class="mu-s">Turn 9</span>
Ritual song:
Demonology Check: Success [19]
Seduction Check: Faliure [56]
Q: What demon is summoned?
Rolls: 71, 16
A: Trick of Love
A succubus"I love you very much, Ava."
"Don't say that. You don't know everything about me, yet. Maybe you won't be able to handle me. People always run from me after they get to know me. Such is my fate."
"Why do you say that?"
She looks down. "I'm crazy, Beto. Really crazy. Sometimes, I lose touch with reality, and I often hear dark, hateful voices in my head. I think I am a bit of a schizo."
She seems so frail. You want to hold her in your arms.
"I wouldn't run from such thing. I need a bit of crazy in my life. What normies refer to as crazy actually means someone who has an open mind, who is connected to the spirit world."
"That's a nice way to put it."
"I'm a true Chad, and I am not scared of difficulties in a relationship. Hold on, I must text my dad."
You take your cellphone out of your pocket.
>Hello dad. I'm in the middle of nowhere, in hillbilly town. I proudly report to you that I have found the love of my life. I'll talk to you later."I propose that we summon a demon together. This is the perfect place for a ritual. There is no civilization in miles. It is only you, me, and the primordial inhumanity of nature. We are almost in another universe."
You take a black athame, a ceremonial dagger, out of your backpack. You step behind her, and slowly, gently run the blade on her neck. She does not make one move. She's completely defenseless; she's your prey. The thought of killing her crosses your mind. Her pale skin, her delicate veins have such great appeal. What color would her blood have if you stabbed her in this instant? But she's also your love, and you cannot kill her, at least, not so early in the relationship. Your run the knife down her shoulder and her arm. Then, you point the blade on her sheep's neck.