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Part I: Fall Of The Empire
The stars are finally setting on the largest Sith Empire the cosmos has ever lived to see. The Praētor has disappeared. Entire space regions have gone radio silent. The Coalition advances each day, toppling imperial homeworld after imperial homeworld, and there is only one Legion left to oppose the enemy: Sith Commander Bocchi’s Seventh Fleet.
You and your commander must fight. Ten thousand star systems depend upon you both.
The story begins in Ultra, one of the three moons of the grand terrestrial Regensburg. Ultra is an oxygen moon with a breathable atmosphere. The pressure is 147 kilopascals, roughly 1.5 the atmospheric pressure on hospitable earth. Trees here diffuse out carbon dioxide, and the temperature at the bottom of the deepest canyons is 94 kelvins, where springs of liquid oxygen flow. Ultra is a fortress-moon, and imperial troopers have turned it into a heavily defended stronghold in the sky.
One of the fortresses on this moon had fallen. It must be recaptured to stop the Coalition fleets from bridging in more reinforcements into Regensburg’s besieged exosphere.
You are a trooper. You are a warrior. Fighting and dying is a way of life. You are no veteran, yet a young dreadnaught with the heart of a lion. You have braved atomic attacks, orbital bombardment, the vicissitudes of fighting a war on all fronts. Planetside, in space with the marines, and aboard imperial battleships as they raced to oppose and batter the Coalition ships attempting to destroy the last of the installations defending Regensburg’s exosphere. None of this made you waver from your position at the vanguard.
But you are tired and weary. It is as if your months of fighting were long and hard as the years those who came before you passed through. You wore the same operating number as the troopers before you.
The troopers before you are gone. You have taken their place. You are now a trooper of the Legion.
Meet Bocchi the Sith.
Your story begins one day, at the frontiers of the besieged Pau region in Ultra, the cold moon of Regensburg. This is where you meet the Commander of the fleet for the first time up close. You’ve only ever seen her from a distance during military reviews and salutes, although it was well known that unlike most imperial commanders, she has a habit of being close to her soldiers, being a gunnery officer and a pilot once herself.
You are surprised soon after you had been harshly summoned by the Pau commandant to the officier tent. Outside, the division had bivouacked temporarily in this clearing, a few miles away from the icy Redfield river. The shadow of the large man o’ war, CAV-1 Servitude, which was attached to this division you were in, shaded the camp from the frost as it hovered silently like a cloud, a hundred feet overhead.