>>6170130Oh, huh, so, Agent, this is mostly just branding. You know that right? Anything with 'quantum' in the title is just PR, you're falling for a meme. The only thing that's going to happen here is that someone shoots you and we'll know both the velocity and the position of the bullets currently lodged in your sternum.
Alright let me look up the producer and supplier profiles on this thing. Huh. Went out of business a few years ago. Alright let's see the vest, it's probably not even rated for modern firearms. Lots of developments in bullet design lately.
... Is this thing woven with single fibres? What's the thread count on this ballistic me-- Oh, wow. Wow. This is actually polymer bonded microfluiditic adjusted nanowire-- no WONDER they went out of business the per unit cost would be astronomical. Good god. Some people have no sense of modern business practice. Okay so maybe it's ... Hm. Pretty sleek actually. I wonder if we can scrounge a few more of these.
>Q-Thread Ballistic Vest>DR = Resist.>Cover 1, Statelock 3 As always, if you Avoid while near cover, you gain the cover bonus. Since this apparently is so good that it counts as wearable cover, it means you get a cover Bonus if you Avoid just from having this one. I am not going to dignify that by pretending to joke that it means it might give you a probability field state read on incoming trajectories.
... but it might be a bit like that.
I'm not sure what 'Statelock' does? It... it looks like this thing is so well made its resistant to change. So, hm I guess that means it's actually hard to burn or penetrate or shatter or... That's useful.