>>6103139>partially convinced that you lamented such "lack of agreement" to fish out other cyberworld autists like me.Yeah, it was a bit of bait, but mostly it was my [erroneous] use of /tg/ as a barometer for interest. I'll accept my condemnation to the shame cube now.
It is really, really nice to see other people share my interests, all that aside.
>but I'd never want to exceed 15I do want more volume, but I agree with you on this point 100%. You're cool for wanting the underperformers to do better, too, a selfless gesture I hadn't even considered.
>How bad has [the pumpkin spice craze] gotten?Pretty much every fast-food chain and even a number of local mom-and-pop shops break out the specialty flavors. It's like a fad, albiet a really delicious one for those who love it. It's reached the level of "psychosis" equivalent to when stores put out Christmas products and play carols months in advance. So it essentially is just a huge marketing thing where it's nothing but profit for businesses because so many people like it, and people just kinda can't shut up about it, whether it's their pumpkin spice lattes or their pumpkin muffins and shit.
There's a clear line between culture and just revolving one's personality around a yearly fad. I'll admit to being a bit of a curmudgeon about other people enjoying things, but a lot of people make it out to be a bigger deal than it is. Yeah, it's tasty. Just shut up and drink your coffee, okay?