>>6203470>>6203561Highball twirls a thin dagger out from her hip holster and begins freeing Everton.
Burstock steps forward and flicks her hair and does a small sneer.
<span class="mu-b">"Not this time."</span>
Burstock casts BODILY BETRYAL on the Funnel Web
You can see it move about a half inch but nothing useful. Burstock frowns and the beast moves even less.
FUNNEL WEB can do nothing!
It is now your turn again!
>>6204169GM: That is the most amazing thing to know and hear, anon. By all means point me to your work.
Life is hard but I have had an okay run. I have a small house, a little extra money from art and am married to the muscle wizard artist. Thank you for your kind words.