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The Welcome Other.
An hunk of raw platinum the size of a watermelon. Found by miners Richard Oates and Archibald Halls at Delvedown mining town. Named the Welcome Other. Considered by far the largest known chunk of platinum ever found. Weighed by the mine's smith Shawn Sneed it was said to have been around 15 stone. Word spread and an auction for the raw stone was planned as the miners and their wives reveled and displayed it to passers by. Delvedown caught fire before the auction was prepared. No denizens of the mining town are known to have survived and Oates, Halls, and their wives are believed to also have died in the inferno. The fate of the Welcome Other is unknown after this point. Many believe a local lord took it from the ashes or even had the town burned himself. There are numerous other tales of persons purported to have taken the stone.