Quoted By:
You let Jack recover a modicum of dignity and wait patiently for him in the nearest conference room. A few minutes later he arrives, still disheveled but wearing suitable pants and not smelling like cheap liquor. It would have to do.
Jack activates the room’s AR display and brings up details of the yard.
“I won’t lie to you the business has-is in pretty bad shape. A few months back I uh… made some bad calls and as a result I ended up losing my entire R&D department, my head of counter-espionage, the trust of one of my best clients and half of my second capital dry dock.”
“I tried pivoting the business, salvaging the second drydock and using the materials to set up frigate berths and a second factory but I couldn’t drum up enough sales. Having frigate berths with no frigate designs was another bad call… I really should have found a new R&D team instead. Started bleeding money, then staff and then you came along.”
You knew the business wasn’t in the best shape, but the state of things was just appalling. How could this man fuck up this badly? And what was his connection to the Empress and Lord Commander? A mystery and a mess all in one.
“So what do we need to start building ships again?”
“Well the way things are normally done…”
<span class="mu-s">Building Ships:</span>
In order to build ships you must have a production facility of the appropriate size, enough work crews to man it and the appropriate amount of resources. Progress is measured in time periods; an arbitrary unit of measurement used to facilitate the game mechanics. How much time actually passes in real time is up to the QM.
<span class="mu-s">Production Facilities</span>
The Yard has three types of production facility: Factories, Frigate Berths and Capital Drydocks. Factories can produce squadrons of strike craft, corvettes and component parts. Frigate Berths and Capital Drydocks and produce one frigate class and capital class vessel respectively. Factories and Frigate Berths require one work crew to use while a drydock requires 3.
<span class="mu-s">Yard Production Capabilities</span>
2 Work Crews
2 Factories
2 Frigate Berths
1 Drydock
<span class="mu-s">Current Resources:</span>
30kT Common Matter
20kT Rare Matter
+100kT Common Matter reserve from starter bonus