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Magnus the Red was a giant of a being even before becoming a Daemon Prince. His psychic fortitude giving him the ability to change his size from that of a normal man all the way to the proportions seen by smaller Titans. His size today was similar to that of Vulcan, the larget of their brothers, in an attempt to push down the Omnissiah with his sheer existence.
As the two traded blows the Omnissiah took a deep examination into what his brother was now. Gone was the power armor that was meant to give the man power beyond that of even a Primarch. Where once there was Auric Gold that allowed Magnus to channel his psychic might easily through his gear now was replaced with simple brass armor.
It was evident that these pieces of armor were not meant for defense. Such a thing was expected for no Daemon really wore armor. The Armor they sported upon their body was their own being. What Magnus wore was the concept of a warrior sorcery that held great primal power. In a way the horns that he sported were also a reflection of this, for while Magnus never had horns these demonstrates the sheer might of Magnus through false trophies.
He was a Primarch given concept and form.
Two, three, four blows were traded by the two of them as their respective weapons struck the other. The Omnissiah could taste the warp essence that his brother was made of as the Omnissiah Axe, as weapon made from his own being, bit into the staff that was also one with Magnus.
A sour taste of betrayal. It was a betrayal that was both real and false as the Omnissiah could feel the Tzeentchian influence. It was a disgusting taste that was comparable to trying to eat sulfur as a human. You would never want to eat it, and when it finally arrives you cannot help but gag against the affliction.
The Omnissiah Axe went for the lower left leg, to which Magnus slammed his staff that received the strike. Quickly the Omnissiah backed away as Magnus attempted to dig his three talon claws into his heart, finally creating space between the two of them.
They floated there for a moment, their eyes evaluating their next move. Neither of them were proficient in fighting such grand bouts but it did not really matter now did it?