Quoted By:
Lescurel the Troubadour
(he is furiously complaining)
- and all my years of practice, wasted. What these strumpets have done to my Art! Thirteen years, thirteen years I studied, to master the delicate tempo rubato, the bel canto and the schizo - I mean, scherzando agiatamente. And these strumpets... what do they do? They produce the music of sleep! They just sit there with a feather or a brush and a cup, tickling people's ears. How revolting! They cannot get enough of this at the House Of Tolerance, those talentless courtesans are showered with gold, whilst my beautiful compositions, pavanes and galliardes, are completely ignored, as if I were playing before an audience of the deaf. And I know what they are really doing, I mean REALLY doing... what they are doing is... LICKING! The disgusting music of licking ears, moistening earlobes and suckling and tickling. This is how they entertain and satiate the lascivious appetites of patrons, I cannot bear it...
>It appears that the Circus Charivari is not here. Have you been tricked? Write in what you would like to do. If you want to ask questions, please indicate which adventurer initiates the dialogue. You can also search the area, wait around, try and buy some supplies (QM: this costs ship condition, write-in any items you need and I will see what I can do) help disperse the beggars (how?), kill everyone, or even just return to the sky galleon and wait for morning.
>please roll 10d6, thank you!