Quoted By:
''Can't say I've got any trust in you, Ama.'' Pain, added to your displeasure at your circumstances, makes your voice far harsher than you intended. ''Yet I can't disagree with your logic despite trying to poke holes into it.''
You're no experts on Corruption; that title belongs to Deruella and Sieglinde. With neither of them forcing Ama's pearls out of her hands, your guts mirror Hao's instincts.
''Undead is a slur. They are Mamonos with special needs, that's all. My gut tells me that letting Hao become a Revenant is the best path for her healthy future.''
''There's still some time to debate.'' The elemental lady spoke after the long silence of your declaration. ''This storm is no monsoon, it still has plenty of life.''
''I don't think there's a need.'' Sieglinde's bladed tail audibly raked the stone ground. ''Three against two... I'm starting to shift my opinion anyway. I'm trusting Hao's instincts more than my own.''
''Yeah...'' Elina's red wings flapped, causing a brief dance on the fire of nearby torches.
''In that case, everyone except Arawn, Hao, and me must move out of the circle.'' Ama declared, palming each pearl.
''It's your head if you fuck up.'' Elina's anger manifested in a cold voice.
''Yeah, no pressure.'' Ama muttered back.
''Nobody else can manipulate pearls magic. Shouldn't be too hard; you're used to it.''
''I trust you.''
Somehow, you and Hao felt the same need to cheer up this short, vulnerable little nemesis. Ama looked away sheepishly, grunting a weak-willed ''whatever''.
''Okay, okay. First, you guys need to let the changes take hold. I'm unsure what sensations you'll get, but it shouldn't be painful, just weird. If you're afraid and resist, my spell -and the pearls- will be wasted.''
With two nods in response, Ama mirrored the gesture.
''Your pains will stop after the ritual. The effects of being a Revenant will start manifesting after a while, maybe a month or two. This thing we're doing... well, we know reality is malleable but remains implacable. Hao walked into this temple as a regular lizard Mamonos and walked out a Revenant; she's but one life in the grander schemes and thus insignificant. We're lucky she's not famous; people's perceptions could undo our change.''
''We should reveal her being a Revenant when we start seeing symptoms.''
''Yeah.'' Ama shakes her knuckles at you. ''It's not like we're killing her and rewriting reality. This spell is significant for -us- and that's how it should stay.''
For some reason, a sudden spark of alarm from Sieglinde almost made you turn to look at her.
''Okay, ready. I'll need you to get on one knee Arawn; I can't reach your head.''
There are better times to get distracted. You obey as best you can; bending your body creates painful aching in your bones, touching the stone with your knee burns your nerves, and you can't even grit your teeth. Experience taught you that doing it cause a rippling agony into your entire face.