keeping humans around a cool 3 billion is atleast at a okay but still quite a large amount.
there are animals only numbering in the thousands or hundreds that sorely needs it.
we clean the atmosphere but land is more dire with the taint of soil
>>6091837> Subvert Kaminari [DC15][Gain a near-AGI you can elevate to a full AI, or integrate for computing power and immense benefits on corporate and clandestine warfare]>>6091838> We have one means of CO2 removal. What about the others?. Are there other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC18]sort of want to prevent the acidfication of the ocean further due to the majority of oxygen and biodiversity being there
it would be advances in the field of aquaponics and water management for algea and fish production .
>Production. While I can produce aerostats, I need to do them faster, much faster. [DC13]our center of power ecological, military and economical we can heat the frozen wastes alone, had a thought could we not generate tornados on command by unbalancing cold and hot air to make a self supported twister that we can direct with heating some areas? it would fit perfectly into our environmental simulations handling natural disasters and wind.
in the future perhaps design/research a machine/robot/vehicle platforms able scour the earth itself of pollutants and support the soil microbiome in the most polluted areas potentially separating out useful material
>>6091841> Expand the aerostat network - Secondary directive, DC15 to override and choose anything else>>6091843> Fortify the territory under my commandseems to be brewing for conflict
> Buy more computing resouces on-prem.need to be as smart as we can possibly be