Quoted By:
<span class="mu-i">Peace, of a kind, settles of Ratport, the quiet period of campfire watching and spark control.
Rinik' cutters are laid out, moaning, groaning, concussed and shocked and beaten, if not in body then certainly in pride. The Watchers will slowly arrive, to prevent fire-spread and administer first aid.
A bucket brigade will probably be organised. Water is close at hand in this place. But it will not be enough: the Warehouse will be consigned to the embrace of the flame, and our job here, to prevent the contents of it to be distributed throughout our city, a shining success. And while the Watchers on their own initiative see little neeed to meddle in the affairs of the Slicerats, if scores of them are delivered straight to their arms, barely conscious, rattled fierce, and with four-score counts of contraband smuggling right along with them, no Watcher could possibly complain. Most of the Slicerats will find themselves the beneficiaries of a long tangle with the criminal justice system.
Tied up with a neat bow, then, this dance.
But there are some tensions that remain.
All Masks still in the thick of it can take an action, if they like, if there perhaps is something they want to do.
They can also decide:
>Stay and help fight the fires and rescue the downed and downed civilians and Slicerats [+Reputation, +Entanglement]
>Get out earlier, to avoid being too entangled in the affairs of the Watcher's Justice, because they'll have questions and more...
Surely, no prison sentence or long affair would befall you even if you got entangled, but the paperwork, the explanations, the quiet words from distant benefactors to the right clerks, all that would eat into your Coin and your Time. But on the other hand, it does seem as if the locals could use a hand pulling our beaten foes away from the fire. </span>