I am trying to write a deeply romantic Love story; true Love in all its tenderness and longing and affection.
So what I did was incorporate this character art which is a shameless rip-off of Baron Harkonnen from Dune and also that obese vampire meat mound torched by Wesley Snipes in Blade (1998), to help to contribute to the dreamy and impassioned atmosphere of romantic infatuation.
>>5418055>>5418173How metaphors work in my games:
- The grotesquely obese Lord Praecentor Grotius Balbinus is an embodiment of the economy
- The sycophantic attendants collecting his drool / saliva froth represent literal trickle-down economics
>>5418530>>5418540- Lord Grotius infantile gibber of "No pee!" represents lack of liquidity and collapse of the monetary transmission mechanism that precipitates economic crises. Also, imagine him as an emasculated castrati choir singer (Praecentor Of The Church Of The Oration). He literally can no longer relieve himself unassisted, which is what the modern economy has become
>>5418538>>5418706- The Five Hundredfold Banner carried by the woman is of course SPX, S&P500 Index.
>>5419269The concubines represent female workforce ie labour participation ratio.
>>5419273- His name Grotius Balbinus references
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Grotiusa founder of modern jurisprudence, the notion of rights, just war and legal doctrines of warfare etc, and
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balbinusone of the Roman barracks emperors, during a period of political instability
The section begins here
>>5418508>tldr; welcome to my magic realm. YES IT IS THAT SORT OF MAGIC REALM. I am immensely enjoying this, it must be the very pinnacle of self-pleasure.