Quoted By:
You mull it over- for the better part of half a second. There’s little doubt: it has to be
>The short-fused girl who can make people forget stuff.
With a wave of your hand, you summon her from the Law of Cycles, which you were just using like a mounted speed punching bag. From it, first peek the tips of two horns, then wind goggles on a violet hood, then the resting bitch face under it. Long blonde bangs, purple scarf, purple skirt, socks over both ankles, naked arms, disjointed black sleeves, a violet Soul Gem right next to her exposed belly - and one big, BIG fucking hammer. No doubt about it: the perfect girl for the job.
Hammer Girl: (yaaaaaaaawns) (wipes eyes with sleeve) …the fuck you want?
Except for the fact that she’s one selfish little brat. Oh well. Some people are thirteen; nobody is perfect- except for that one weird girl. This Magical Girl right here can make people forget any kind of stuff instantly- by dunking that hammer in their skull at Mach speed. No, for real. That’s how it works.
Hammer Girl: I’m going back. Later.
Mentally screeching, you stop her. The nerve! You’ve been summoned by the Goddess herself! And what a great Goddess. Pretty and cool and stuff. You tell the girl with the hammer that you have personally summoned her so that she may enact your will on your behalf. She will be your emissary and do good onto the world in your name!
Hammer Girl: I don’t wanna!
FFFF- all those eons wiping Witches and this is what you get, but of course. Oh well; you can’t blame her. After all, you made the Law of Cycles too fun. In there, there are beaches, volleyball, books, cats, cat racing, cat racing bets, a cat racing mafia, an illegal hand-holding ring for heavily indebted Magical Girls, tea, and pastries galore.