>>5425021God dammit it's 5am for me and I'm probably speaking out of my ass BUT
We should have investigated the files more, the missing ones imply a weekly meeting that soured also I forgot to mention that we should have looked at his prior appointment, the knowledge that the office was empty implies an extreme certainty that it was empty so either a spotter is required (and then why not just have a sniper) or a different partner that's somehow making sure that the Governor is busy and out of his office
>So you dump the cartridge into the fire but not the filesImplying that the brass is useless somehow but the files have something important
>Spend less than five minutes searching the body and (possibly Re-) Trying the safe before hopping back out and repeating the same way you got in but in reverse before making your way to the shuttle and leaving This all raises some questions like: How did the Assassin know their way in and get past security? How did the Assassin know the Governor's timings? How did the Assassin know exactly what files needed to be stolen but not know that there was no "smoking gun" in the safe? (even if it was the nearby world that was probably extorting Harvestfall for Something in return for covering them for the manpower tithe the letters aren't enough to point a definite finger unless the Governor's kid is being held hostage for another unknown reason), and finally what did they THINK was in the safe that required a face to face hit instead of a Nailbomb or a sniper?
>Pic related, not the Shooter