>>5626672[3 Hits, 1 critical]
<span class="mu-s">Q1:</span>
" Yes. Yes. Yes. "
<span class="mu-s">Q2:</span>
"Yes. Yes. No. There is no lesser values in Pain or in Prowess, from heroes or from hounds. The Strictures tell us: There Are Three Immutable: Love, Loyalty and Luck.
All love is individual, and the shape of the chains around your heart differ from plunderer to plumber. One cannot transplant the loyalty to a creed from a sailor to a soldier and expect it's manifestation to remain unchanged.
But why would the pain a spider feels be less than the pain of a man? Perhaps the flavour, the <span class="mu-i">taste</span>, yes, it's profile texture on your soul, yes, this may differ. Your sensory organs are not refined enough to truly appreciate the depths of chemical capacity your skittering eight-legged associates are exposed to in every moment. But should we take their sense of Direction or their appreciation for flies, these things would be, to you, as they are to them.
Over time, your body might adapt. Or over time, the initial impression fade. One cannot say.
<span class="mu-s">Q3:</span>
Indeed. You speak of the Law of Like, also called the Law of Scale. For one unrefined in the Arts Animant, your intuition serves you well just as it leads you to the Trap of Hunger.
Imagine the the greatest beast you can. An elephant. Larger. Larger still. Now imagine this majesty of a beast, Wounded and Hungry.
Pretend a songbird. Pretend the vessel is sympathetic. Pretend you a surgeon soul, empathic: you loan the Wounds and Hunger of our Elephant and lend them further on to the Songbird.
What happens?
Like is Like. This is the First Law.
The Elephant is not dead from its Wounds, and so, neither the Bird will be. But... To an Elephant, perhaps Thrice Wounded, such as it is may be a scratch. To a Songbird, it may be pain unendurable. This is the Second Law: The Limits are Not The Limit.
In loaning the Wounds of the Elephant to the vessel of the Songbird, a limit was breached and the Songbird exposed to things beyond its capacities. So either the Songbird changes, or your Working will fail. And friend: the <span class="mu-i">Work Never Fails.</span>.
This is the <span class="mu-s">Trap of Hunger</span>. Imagine the profligate abyssal hunger of a Leviathan that prowls the blue ocean. Now pretend you a filcher: you take its Hunger into yourself.
The Leviathan is hungry, but not starved. It feels a small pang of discontent at its lack of feast.
Like is Like
You will be Hungry.
But the Law of Scale, insidious: The hunger you take, friend, will be the hunger of oceanmouths to devour nations. You will eat and feast and gobble and take and you will <span class="mu-s">never</span> be satisfied again. For you have Changed. Your very sense-of-self has been pushed beyond. And thus, the Third Law:
To Exceed is To Change.
The results are... unknown. Many studies. A single ant cannot hold the weight of a human mind.
<span class="mu-s">Q4</span>:
This question I have already answered. The Third Law binds us as it breaks us. Remember: There are Three Immutable.
All else is. . . Variable.