Quoted By:
As even more Magical Girls talk about it, Helen feels something stuck inside her throat. The only reason they wouldn’t be fighting back is because there’s no chance… that the Bird Call might indeed be true. It may have been the drop of water that spilled the glass, it may not even be her fault at all…
but the fact remains that the Order of the End is winning. Helen doesn’t even feel the hand on her shoulder.
卌 A-chan: (Helena: I’m so sorry. There aren’t any spies in the Violet Tower. There never were. We have the Relay and Lily’s anti-magic field. It was always impossible for anyone to stay hidden in here.)
Slowly, despite this being a telepathic communication, Helen turns to look at her tutor. Even through her mind, she sounds… sad and defeated.
卌 A-chan: (See? Nobody attacked you. It’s just like I told you. Believe in Magical Girls- because it’s our job.)
Yet she manages to smile.
>>Ƹ> (M? Charisma ღ Roll: 3)<< (Lure out spies.)