I'm seeing a very long list of appearances for this term, but these could just be appearances for Anakin. I don't see appearances in any of the movies but Episode 3, but I see appearances in both versions of the Clone Wars TV show, three different very long book series', and the novels for 3,4,5, and 6.
If you want to stick to the Disney canon, which includes like 95% of the Star Wars material, that's a mainstream and acceptable position to take.
Regardless, it's intuitive that not every single Jedi was hyper-fixated on use of the light-saber or use of the force. On top of that, considering the very well established Disney canon and Legends-canon documentation for Jedi spies, law enforcement, ect ect; we know that there were Jedi who had technical skills, could hack doors, fix droids, ect ect.
You already are quantifying the Jedi, it's literally the second choice you leave to the players. >>5649308
>You arent bad at anything, you are going to become a powerful jedi no matter what. Its is what are you better at, what interests you more.
Yeah, and that appears to be very lockstep in what Legends says, and how being a Guardian works in the RPGs anyways. It is written that people can specialize in one facete, but eventually become good at everything or almost everything. TLDR: Will Christopher be able to balance his specializations, or be more: technologically / educationally / or stealth, listening for rumors, savvy or no?