Quoted By:
You decide to request to speak to the leader of this compound; the infamous blonde separatist named <span class="mu-s">Zaj Anak</span>. Shown on television and internet videos on long rants about racial separatism and decrying the modern democratic systems of many nations- often accused of being both a racist and a religious fundamentalist. It's strange seeing him in person. You also find it quite strange to see how old he is; most of the videos and broadcasts about him are decades old now. He's got to be, what, fifty? Sixty? He's an old man now, all that fight must have left him.
“I was told you were intruding into the reservation-”
<span class="mu-b">”After I was shot, yes.”</span>
“...You fight for a Mainlander army, isn't that right? We recovered your uniform. Centrailian army- the same army currently pillaging the Northland for their oil.”
<span class="mu-b">”Yeah. That's right.”</span>
“So you... admit it?”
<span class="mu-b">”Of course. I know why our government is really there. They pretend its to “depose the regime” and “keep the peace in a country accepting democracy” but it's really for the oil.... Can I get a cig?”</span>
Without a delay, the old man hands you a smoke and a lighter. You were really craving one too- you've been hooked on these things for four years ever since your phone offered you a free sample on your birthday at the nearest smokeshop. You're not gonna stop now.
“Strange...” He continues. “Everyone says it is for the oil, but I have never seen them take any.”
<span class="mu-b">”They don't need to.”</span>
“Hmm? What do you mean? They have come to take the oil- the same oil that is said to stretch all the way under the blonde mountains-”
<span class="mu-b">”No no, you don't understand. It has nothing to do with the oil. As long as it is dug out of the ground and sold, they could dump it in the ocean for all they care.”</span>
“What are you talking about, fool?”
<span class="mu-b">”What currency do you need to buy oil with? That's right- its contracted. No matter what nation, people, even private billionaires- all of them <span class="mu-i">must</span> use DanboMarks- Centralia's Reserve Currency. This means, no matter what, the DM has a backing in a real world physical commodity. The companies that print the money can print as much as they want for unlimited capital, the actual oil is meaningless.”</span>
“Centralia is one of the world's richest nations and the most hungry for oil.”
<span class="mu-b">”I don't like the fact they're killing our planet with that shit, but there's nothing I can do about it. And I am <span class="mu-i">not</span> rich. Nobody I know is; it's just the ultra rich that have all the money.”</span>
“You coward!” He snaps.