>>5888404>>5888407>>5888408>>5888428>>5888438>>5888454>>5888501You decide to check on your family a bit before doing anything else. They all seem fine, save for Chaos, doing their usual thing. Your dumb husband is still participating in Retis' experiment.
One of your favorite children is Hate, as you feel he gets a bit of a bad rap, and you feel a bit bad for him. But you also admire how independent he seems. You wonder if you will ever be that way, but you also wonder if you ever want to be.
You like Love too, but Blue likes him a little more than Red does. He's too passive for Red.
There's of course your darling Music, Nothing who you respect quite a bit, Life and Death... you have a lot of children.
You wonder if you should talk to your OTHER son, The Adversary. Sometimes Blue feels bad for neglecting him, but Red can't shake the idea that he's some kind of fuck up. Maybe there's something wrong with you. Well, you already know that's true...
You leave Wife's consciousness. You feel you understand her better, and you are certainly able to empathize with her more. Maybe this was a good idea after all. Who next?
>Chaos>Love>Hate>Music>The Adversary>Nothing>Peace>Life>Death>An angel>A mortal>Do something else