You assess the situation calmly, then come to the conclusion on what exactly you need to do.
You march towards the tour guide without hesitation and unleash a wicked right straight into her jaw. She instantly crumples into a heap. You kneel down to grab the ID card from her neck, when one of the students starts screaming.
Something feels wrong, something sickly is in the air, there's a chill coming through the ventilation shafts like the feeling of narrowly avoiding your own death. The combination of smells, faint chemicals, and the sudden, high-pitched noise cause your instincts to <span class="mu-i">ignite.</span>
Your fight-or-flight response kicks in. Your entire body tenses. The moth brain starts screaming for release! The hate-and-murder pheromones steam out of your body!
(04. Combat Cocktail) panic spreads like a wave. Everyone in the lobby is trying to get away from the giant fucking moth who started screaming and twitching violently. You spread your wings as far as you can manage, dropping any pretense to stealth, and let the nerds run.
Terror is the tool — you're using it to clear the path to your Objective. The Objective is not where you are. You need to advance constantly and aggressively to get there. Anyone trying to prevent that is already fucking dead.
In fact, here comes one of those dead men walking.
The lone guard who arrived with the science team takes out a long ceramic knife. His glazed eyes are set upon you. There is no change in his blank expression as he steps forward, drops down on all fours, and starts sprinting straight towards you!
You sidestep erratically and claw at his uniform! His flesh instantly yields as if cut with a knife. Something clear oozes out from the wound and it tastes sweet on your hands.
The guard aims a counter punch, but you swiftly dodge and retaliate with another claw! You catch it in the neck, severing the unnatural vasculature! The body drops to the floor, going still far too quickly. White plant matter flesh starts oozing out of its wounds.
Whatever this is, <span class="mu-b">it is NOT a human being.</span> <span class="mu-i">The Fruit for Human Endeavors dies.</span>
You don't have time for questions. You're just going to break any bowl of fruit you come across before more guards arrive and everything goes down the shitter.
You swipe your ID across the scanner, but think twice and start your ascent up the stairs. Don't get caught in an elevator deathtrap — that's how they got your wings.
Far above, the alarm starts screeching and the intercoms crackle and the emergency orders start rattling off, but that doesn't seem quite right. Whatever.
You reach the 2nd floor stairwell and immediately there's a pack of guards, both human and inhuman together. They raise their voices and their rifles. You can only react...
>Write in.