Meanwhile, at the Bionnassay mountain colony, I think you can definitely set up a Neutrino Observatory and attempt to commune with the stars. It actually does not really require much building, as you just repair and reactivate the old cylindrical orb pit deep cores.
I think the mountain colony is super delighted at what you have accomplished for them, not only generously sharing technology, but reinvigorating and imbuing them with a new sense of purpose and scientific discovery. And I also believe this alongside your construction of manufacturing facilities accomplishes your FACTION GOAL as you have definitely gained influence on a new planet - Mabsuthat in the Lynx Sector!
>>5826853>>5829988So you get to allocate 10 points between various attributes!
1 Might 0 +1
1 Prosperity 1 +0
15 Industry 8 +7
3 Knowledge 1+2
Whilst the Neutrino Observatory is being repaired, you can also choose a new faction goal,
>>5817915or roll 6d100 for a new star system / planet etc. As there a 3 factions all present in Lynx, with fairly heavily armed and capable ships, maybe the Legate stranded without a starship on a planet there could use some help pushing out Klemperer Orbital / Qarthadast capital ships in orbit above his planet...
>>5834433 or you could leave them to it, hehe.