Despite his wounds from the fight and the torture, the big guy seemed content just munching on mutant flesh and didn't pay much attention to the girl.
The half-butchered remains of the clubfooted female and the loincloth guy lied in the corner, it seems that they ate their own tribe member first, mongrels have some weird customs.
It looked like they used some broken wooden planks as fuel for the fireplaces, old fragile wood.
There were some thick roots stored in a plastic basked, Hemya knew those, they are edible roots that grow in the steppes, the girl sometimes used those to stretch out her provisions.
The mutants must have their own way out of this complex, or at least have an access to soil.
"finally something I can eat!" the girl rejoiced.
She just needs to clean and boil them, back at her hideout.
>>5843384After asking the Janitor some questions about his diet, Hemya managed to find out about his weird way of feeding.
He assured her that he is not "hungry" yet, so she does not need worry about that yet.
>>5842526>>5843361>>5843384Lighting a bunch of plastic trash and synthetic tarps on fire inside of a underground area with questionable ventilation would be rather bad for the girl's lungs.
>>5842877>>5843841>>5844428The water squad might hunt down Hemya, after killing our fat friend.
>>5843933The first thing the incoming mutants would see inside the mess hall would be all the corpses littering the floor, and Fatty, munching on their food.
Using the fat guy as bait, Hemya and Janny could ambush the group from the tents.
The only problem is, how passive the janitor behaved in the last fight.
Thee is still no sign of the water squad returning, time to figure out what to do about Janny.
Hemya could teach him how to trow that net that entangled him earlier, he could at least do that much, right?
Maybe she can convince him to fight by explaining that mutants are not human and killing them is okay?