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<span class="mu-s">Agents</span>, this mob of rioting brawlers and megafans and Cherry Blossoms and Brigadiers are more "chaotic mess" than "active antagonists". They're just throwing down for the heck of it.
What I mean is, trying to target any single one of them if you want to stop them all is almost a waste of time. You can't individually CQC fight 40+ people! It's like fighting the weather!
Instead, treat the entire area as a RISK ZONE; the "crowd" simply brawls with anyone in reach and actions you take in the area might get a little complicated because of fists, chairs, bottles and elbows. You might want to account for that.
Something like
>Pick my moment to push to the Ringleader west, dodging past the brawlers [React3+CQC2]
>Get him under control [Prof4+CQC2]
>Response: stand my ground and try to shake off anyone coming at me (Resist3)
is going to work a lot better than
>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]
>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]
>Punch a random guy [Prof2+CQC3]