>>5346889I'd rather stay away from harems. Quest-wise, I think think they tend to be very divisive for a lot of readers. Story-wise, I think it would feel very OOC for any of the default TH characters to be into the idea. And from my own personal perspective, I think it's an easy way out to a difficult situation. I'd prefer anons duke it out over which boy or girl they want to choose as their sole lover than giving them the easy option of having both. Blair is by no means married to Ashe just yet. Who knows what may happen going forward. Though at this point, I think it's more plausible that whatever boy or girl goes Blairsexual is going to be either an OC, or a Deer or Lion. Even some of those characters are likely disqualified if you happen to know what their fates are in SS.
That Corrine picture may just be a placeholder. I don't know. An anon a long time ago posted it saying it would make a good timeskip Blair and I always thought it fit Corrine better. I think another anon may have turned her eyes from green to brown and I kept the picture. Otherwise I have no idea who that is.
Apologies for the late update. Little bit of a hectic weekend ahead, but should hopefully return to normalish once a day updates by Saturday.