Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">"Heyyyy- Denoth! My man, been a while since I've seen you!"</span>
"Oh- hi! Yeah, I've been busy with security detail. They've been having us lugging around our water all the time now in preparation for the attack..."
<span class="mu-r">"Pfft... Hey, listen, don't take this the wrong way but... your voice... Hahaha!"</span>
"Fuck you, man. Look, I've got the nose plugs in, all right? The jug is watertight, double sealed plastic- but I can <span class="mu-i">smell</span> it. Its driving me crazy! Gotta keep the plugs in. I'm following my moisture rationing. I'm being good."
<span class="mu-r">"...Well, sorry for making fun of it. You have to, what, chug that whole thing if we get boarded?"</span>
"Yeah. The Jaxtians are known to do that. So if we get boarded, I'll drink this and then... go apeshit, I guess. Pun intended."
<span class="mu-r">"Hold on Denny. You're one of the nicest guys I know- you're closer to a Leraay. Not like these other sex and machismo obsessed men of other species in the Consortium. I could never see you being a roided up rage warrior like that."</span>
"I mean, I'm not but... it's the water. It'll make me... change. It's my Must. You know?"
<span class="mu-r">"Alright, alright. I won't push it. Sounds rough. I'll make sure to hide behind you if we do get attacked!"</span>
"Don't. I won't be the same person then... stay in engineering and stick to cover. Alright?"
<span class="mu-r">"Alright. I'll see you on the other side, bro."</span>
“You too.”