>>5313648Okay, you wheeze after several more minutes of unrelenting giggles, So… so this <span class="mu-g">MIRROR</span> here… what’s the deal?
“This mirror’s ‘<span class="mu-i">deal</span>’,” Teevor sighs impatiently, “Is, or rather <span class="mu-i">was</span>, an answer to the eventual depletion of this dimension’s <span class="mu-g">RAW MAGIC.</span>”
“Depletion?” Sybil asks, having fully recovered from her geek-out, “That would take eons, wouldn’t it?”
“Finite is <span class="mu-i">finite</span>, primitive, and there are more factions than you can hope to comprehend that are fighting over it.” The skeleton explains with a scowl. “We don’t plan for <span class="mu-i">tomorrow</span>--we plan for <span class="mu-i">eternity</span>.”
So the <span class="mu-r">DEMON</span> invasion… that’s all according to plan, huh?
“Save your jokes, you dolt–even the most well-designed lab has its accidents.” Teevor counters with growing irritation. “To postpone the inevitable resource conflict, my superior-well, <span class="mu-i">ex-</span>superior Morkku-drafted a potential solution.”
“The <span class="mu-g">MIRROR!</span>” Sybil guesses in a chipper tone!
“Precisely.” Nods the captive. “As you are most likely not aware, there are nigh infinite planes of existence–some parallel to this one, most, well, <span class="mu-i">perpendicular</span>.”
“You came from one of those, didn’t you?” Asks The Goth with renewed interest in her voice. “A log we listened to mentioned you were fleeing from something.”
“Oh <span class="mu-i">wonderful</span>, now we’re leaving our logs out for primitives to enjoy…” Groans the skeleton in disbelief. “Yes, human, we <span class="mu-i">did</span> flee–I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that we, among several other research organizations, didn’t share certain beliefs with our home plane’s ruling body. Following a swift and brutal conflict, we were forced to retreat.”
“So why are you still <span class="mu-i">here</span>?” Art asks. “Wouldn’t you rather be, I dunno, somewhere sunnier?”
“Our people have always been acclimated to the water.” Teevor explains. “It keeps most pests away and provides excellent cooling for our equipment. The fauna tends to taste rather good as well, but I digress. <span class="mu-g">PROJECT LOOKING GLASS</span> was designed to locate and acquire specific resources without the need of a Telenavigator and copious amounts of magical energy.”
Lemme guess, you interject, it didn’t work like they planned it.
“No…” Teevor frowns as you feel his gaze burn into your face, “Not quite…” As his stare starts to wander into the ‘<span class="mu-i">creepy</span>’ territory, a flash of realization emerges on the researcher’s hooded face!
“<span class="mu-s">YOU!</span>” He sputters as he suddenly jabs his bony finger in your direction, “<span class="mu-s">YOU NEARLY COST ME EVERYTHING, MORDELIA!</span>”
The accusation nearly bowls you over! Ex… ex<span class="mu-i">squeeze</span>me?