Quoted By:
>Return to your dorm and talk with Alex about the maid ordeal. [DC40:37 Close FAILURE]
>Add: Small Hotel in need of a waitress, that turns into a red-district bar at night.
>Awareness check: SUCCESS!
Uneven clacks of your loafers play a lazy tune along the desolate, shadow-stained hallways. The nights in this place belong among the horror movies, and yet you can hardly bring yourself to care. Tired from the day's events and constant - now familiar - sense of danger tugging at the back of your mind, you fumble back towards your dorm. If what Ms. Müller said is true it's crucial that you get all the rest possible.
As the creaks of the floor and occasional flickers of light become routine, you try and imagine yourself at your beach... Time is precious, and you might as well do something about that assignment. Who knows, maybe it will make braving this darkened labyrinth bearable? Slowly, you close your sleepy eyes, letting instinct carry you.
Soon the sounds of your steps drift away, slowly giving way to the gentle hum of the waves; planked floor becomes loose as your now bare feet sink into the still warm sand. When you open your eyes you thread through the night-vailed beach. Your beach and your stars above it. Letting go of relived sigh, you look over it's vast emptiness... In a way, Ms. Brüngger was right, it could use some more work.
After some time, you get the idea. The beach is desolate, and away from civilization - just like you. If you want to truly escape, it needs to change. It needs Humanity. Soon, at the dune among the palm trees appears a series of small, colorful buildings. A hotel complex. Artificial lights brighten the interior with warmth of... Civilization. One day you will reach it.
Sometimes, as you walk towards the new additions to your collection, a silhouette passes through the window. Soon there are two - one running and passing swiftly after another in a chase. They must be having fun... Albeit a rational part of you seems to demur fiercely. It also seems to run.
As you get approach the doors to one of the buildings the lights inside turn a lively pink color, soon to be obscured by the dropping curtains... The same part now seems to wail in horror. Huh.
Reaching for the doorknob you start opening the doors when suddenly a slightly masculine voice booms from behind you. "Stellar business opportunity, isn't it?"
Surprised, you pivot around. Yet, as you do...
...you are back in the dingy hallways of your cage called School. And you aren't alone. From where you expected the voice before is now a pair of a blonde guard woman and another masked guard telling you to scamper back home. In assent, you use your remaining strength and dash back... Oh, you are already at your dorm.
Yet, before you enter there is one thing that seems quite peculiar. Looking back at the patrolling guards slowly marching away you see a pattern coming up. All the guards you've seen up to this point were either women, or wore riot masks..?