Rolled 70, 35, 75 = 180 (3d100)
>>6023301>>6023341>>6023425>>6023493"Let's head straight to the Necropolis!", you say.
"Hold on, I don't have my magic just yet, I haven't slept enough.", says Senara.
"Doesn't matter. We gotta go after the Elemental Gem. I'm sure we will have plenty of opportunity to sleep once we clear out the necropolis."
"Good luck, newfriends. I'm not going back to the necropolis with you.", says Sasha.
"Why not?"
"I'm looking for my mom."
"She's probably d...", you were about to say, when Ely gives you a kick.
"Good luck on your search, Sasha! I hope you find your mom.", says Ely.
Sasha smiles then goes through a wall and disappear from sight.
We start walking towards the necropolis. After awhile, we happen upon a large bronze gate. In front of the gate, there is a dragon skeleton!
Will you fight it or will you run?
> Fight the dragon skeleton> Run from the dragon skeletonIf you choose to fight, roll 3d100.