>>5226956>>5226987>>5227007>>5227648>>5227692You answered to your soldier.
-We will go by the road tomorrow, there is no use to hiding anymore. But before I will show some strange things of India to our dear father Francois. Tell me, good woman, where are those witches ?
-They are to the north your lordship, the area becomes more forested and they live in a cave near the next hill.
- Well, then we will go there and put an end to their sorcery. Bohémond, you were on a horse like me, let’s go there on foot it is not far away. And Ancel, come too, your skills as a tracker will be needed.
The man seemed to object and said in an afraid tone.
-But messire, they are witches, if it is like in our forests in France it...
-Obey, knave !
-Yes messire...
After five minutes you were ready, you had torches, your sword, your shield and your axe and Bohémond, Father François and Ancel with you. You needed to go north and you will, fortunately the moon was bright and you could see better than in complete darkness. You followed a muddy path, after the indications of the old woman, and Ancel led the way. But when he saw the beginning of the forest in front of you he began to try to convince you to stop.
-Messire ! This is madness ! We have witches too in the woods in France ! There is nothing new here ! And they are dangerous....
You answered.
But the red headed scout continued.
-It is like the sorceress of the Ardennes, it is said that she can curse your bloodline for seven generations ! She can change an army into toad vomit ! It is said that if she touches you pustules come from your skin, you lose your hair and you piss mud !
You did the sign of the cross, even if you were a brave man, and Father François and Bohémond imited your gesture. But before Ancel could continue to sabotage your morale you hit him at the back of your head.
-Silence !
-Argh ! Messire, we will all die... Argh !
The second hit, with your shield this time, shut him up. But you ordered father François to do something to protect you from such evil, even if god protected you against lord Hostil it was possible that these witches had more power bestowed to them by the devil. You needed to be careful and imploring divine protection was needed. Once entering the forest you said.
-Father François, tell us a protective prayer.
The fat priest, in an unsteady voice tried to remember his latin, wich was not excellent according to earsay but that you could not verify because you did not understood the language.
-Da nobis, quaesumus, omnipotens Deus : ut, qui ab omnibus malis defensus tuse tegmen quaerimus, in pace et tranquillate tibi serviamus; per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.