>>5887296>>5887287>>5887278>>5887275"You want me to do what?" Said a male's voice as they were currently in shock over the request. Currently, he is standing in front of a secure building on the outskirts of the upper echelon of Honno City. Dressed in fine black robes with his upper half laced in a black sweater, and the lower half with matching black pants. His silky blond hair billowed dramatically in its neatly kept ponytail against the cold air.
"I'm pretty sure you heard me perfectly the first time Shiro."Spoke a female voice in response as they were currently standing right beside the blond. She was noticeably taller than the lanky yellow-blond with her more sturdily built, statuesque physique. Jet black hair flowed freely with its straight fridge and bangs, the only noticeable trait of her aside from her sharp expression was her bushy eyebrows. She was wearing a navy blue sailor outfit with a short skirt and thigh-length stockings.
"You're right I did, I just having a hard time comprehending the absurd request. You're going to have to tell me it again."Shiro reiterates, pinching the sides of his brows.
"Very well. I want you, Shiro Iori to help me in my plan to overthrow my mother. I've already got Nonon working for me, but you, her, and my trusted butler Mitsuzo won't be where I'll stop. I'm going to fashion an elite team that will directly work under me to help ensure my ambition comes to fruition. Of course, there's the need to gather some trusty soldiers to build a powerful army and impregnable fortress. But I rather not get myself sidetracked when the most important things haven't been fulfilled yet."The woman, known as Satsuki explains.
"That's not what confused me, Lady Satsuki."Shiro sighed. "I don't have any problems with that, and if it was just that I would be on board without question. It's what you want me to do that's so alarming."
"You know you don't have to call me that, Iori. We're childhood friends after all." Satsuki interjects, changing the topic ever so slightly.
"Yeah, but Nonon would get crabby if I don't address you properly. I already have it hard enough with Uncle." Shiro corrects her, shifting his eyes momentarily to Nonon who was gathering some refreshments for the three of them.
"That's true, sorry for the trouble."Satsuki bows slightly.
Taken aback by Satsuki's actions, Shiro found himself blushing profusely before angrily ruffling his blond hair. "Argh! It's fine, don't worry about it. Just get back to the troubling part about tampering with life-fibers."
"Right, I suppose that would be the area where you have the most trouble." Satsuki nods solemnly.
"Of course, anyone would have trouble with such an absurd request. You of all people should know precisely what those things are." Shiro interjects curtly. "So excuse me if I find your idea of wanting to use them as the centerfold of this supposed army to be rather baffling to the point of insanity."