>>5877199<span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-b">Splendiferous greetings, oh mate of the mask! Hopefully your dancing feet find ferocious fuliminant festivities in this fine place.
Did you know that in this very place, at this very hour, someone is attempting a sliver - nay - a *slice* of market manipulation?
Oh! Scarf sees it in your trembling hands which cannot be neither adrenaline nor terorr but sheer shock at such profound profane proclivities ! Scarf understands! It would take a man with the soul of a lowly creature to think of such a deed, imagien it, to peddle inferior goods at lower prices simply to undercut a righteously established monopoly? Scarf would never! All goods SU-perior. This is the grand City of the Spark Eternal, not that beautiful little republic with their clock-work minds. Scarf didn't see he'd get to see such works worked twice. He spent so much time shutting it all down last time!
Ah but the ingenuinity of market competitors should never be underestimated, should it? It's a disruptive business, the start-up space, full of able entrepeneurs and intangible asset burn.
Ah, and this is where perhaps we can strike a deal, yes? The world is awash with the tang of possibilities, potentialities, and Scarf has need of an able dancer with abler hands, for--
oh, excuse, excuses!</span>
the stranger snatches a speck of shimmering half-light from the air and slides the rainbow droplet deep within his pocket
<span class="mu-b">Scarf finds that he needs something done
no no, nothing so crass as physical punishment. Scarfs most dear vector of aggression is cutting prices!
But he does need someone with a soft soul to put hands on a machinery that clicks and clocks and draws in the attentions of Other traders, and if perhaps this machine could be turned inside out and stomped on for good measure, this would be *grand*
What say you, little Masked Dancer? Shall we trade? Your fine physical work for ... a boon?</span></span>