>>5420102>>5420103I have a mental idea for this! If guns and swords are all about penetrating and thrusting, the sci-fi weird yonic orifice weaponry should be about receiving.
So some sort of bowl, chalice, grail... receptacle. Something to... receive or maybe contain the... er... emissions, warfare as orgasm Dune/Frank Herbert metaphor.
So instead of shooting bullets or thrusting sword edges, you want some sort of bowl-shaped dish to sort of contain and receive the incoming violence. There is a medical device called a lithotripter the breaks up stones with sonic waves... argh Dune already did this. There is that Raytheon ADS active denial system, satellite dish on a truck crowd control weapon that fires microwaves, hmmm.
But basically some sort of bizarre sci-fi weaponry with the shape of a bowl or dish that receives / acts as a receptacle for violence. Here is a picture of I think the grappling gun from Battlefield, the visual outline of it might look something like this. Yonic weapons, yay!
>I have no idea why you might need a sci-fi vulva gun, but I tried to imagine one and conceive it (kek) into being